

Hello and thank you for reading my blog!

When I started my blog in 2011, I penned it Sincerely Kymberly  as that was my go-to way to close all my letters and emails.    Funny thing is, I go by Kym 😉 .

I spent most of my childhood and into my college years in Reno, Nevada.  Since then, I’ve spent my adult life in California.  Home for me is California.  California is where I began my career in the fashion industry.  Working in both Wholesale and Product Development for companies including: BCBG Max Azria, St. John and Quiksilver.  California is also where I began my life with my husband and is the birthplace of our sons.  If they say “home is where the heart is;” then California, you’ve got mine.

After spending my 20’s in the fashion biz, I started my 30’s working for an internet marketing company.  There I learned a lot about… well, internet and marketing.  Agent Marketing is an amazing company and I am thankful for spending just under 2 years with them.

Then it was time to change my focus in life.  Currently, I am a Housewife (not the Desperate or Real kind) and a SAHM.  We are an Orange County family who in 2013 moved up the coast to Santa Barbara.

Sincerely Kymberly is where I house all my experiences and inspirations as a California Wife and Mom inspired by fashion, family adventures, and coastal living.  I welcome you to stay for a bit, read, and take part in the memories I’ve shared.  Enjoy!

To say connected, please follow my blog or like my Facebook page.  Here’s a BIG hug (*****Squeeze***** ) for staying connected with me and a sincere thank you too for doing so :).

Sincerely, Kymberly

I’m also on: Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.   Let’s connect there as well :).


  1. So glad I found you on Lovely Lady Bloggers! 🙂 I absolutely adore your blog layout btw!! (Besides the amazing content, obv!) Can’t wait to read more 🙂

  2. Hi Kymberly! You and your blog are so beautiful! ❤ That is so cool that you work in the fashion industry =) I also smiled when you made it clear that you are a housewife but not the REAL or DESPERATE-kind. =D Love it!!

    1. Yes, fashion…Oh the good ol’ times ;). To be in my 20’s again and working hard for my money 😉 (“so hard for my money!”) That was a fun time in my life but I’m loving my new life of wifey and mommy :). It’s more rewarding :). But man, do I miss the free and highly discounted clothes…

  3. Hi Kymberly! Thank you so much for the follow on my blog, now I have the chance to follow your journey in California as well 🙂 Your site looks lovely, very fresh and well put together. I really like your photography – what camera are you shooting with if you don’t mind me to ask? I’m always very curious about this kind of things 🙂 I’m glad we connected through our blogs, can’t wait to see what’s next to come! Have a beautiful day 🙂


    1. Hi Yael! Well thank you for the sweet words <3. I'm fairly new to the world of "taking my camera off of Auto" so I absolutely appreciate what you said 🙂 . I use my iPhone and a Sony Nex-6. The Sony is a compact DSLR and is ideal for my lifestyle (aka running around after a toddler!)

    1. Wow! I love our connection! My parents just retired to Vegas themselves. Well then, I’m going to be enjoying following your blog even more now knowing that you’ll probably end up referencing places I’m familiar with 🙂 Yay, so glad we connected :)!!!!

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