5 Ways to Battle the Baby Blues

weight-someecardsI couldn’t help but laugh when I came across this image on Pinterest.  Because let’s be real…we care about our weight with or without a baby.  Weight (amongst other things) is what led me to this weeks post.  With the arrival of baby comes a whole new world that often times Mom’s don’t prep themselves for.  The Baby Blues affect almost every mom to a certain degree.  The perk of having gone thru pregnancy already;  I was familiar with the low’s I faced last time around, and I’ve made it a point to karate-chop the Baby Blues away from me using these tips.  With that said, I’m sharing 5 ways to battle the Baby Blues.

5.  Talk it out.  Seems simple enough, but any and all emotions you are feeling post birth should be addressed.  Talk to your partner, friends, mother’s group; shoot– anyone whose willing to let you vent.  Chances are they will be able to resolve issues, give advice, or just say something to make you smile.  If you are on Facebook, message your mama friend’s who are going thru birth and babies with you.  I’m sure they’d love to have someone to talk to during those early morning nursing sessions ;).

4.  Get help.  As much as you totally believe you are superwoman (red cape and all) it’s important to trust that delegating help is more effective than doing it all by yourself.  In the early weeks of getting used to life with a newborn, consider hiring a housekeeper, have a meal service delivered, and have visiting guests lend a helpful hand around the house; all in the hopes you’ll focus on baby and shut-eye.

3.  Waist train.  That belly doesn’t go back automatically and to help get your stomach back to normal, throw on a corset and wear it day and night.  It’s almost impossible to find time to workout with a newborn and if you have a c-section (like myself) you are restricted to working out after 6 weeks.  So turning to a compression band allows for your abs and your internal organs to return back to normal.  After all, if Jessica Alba can wear two at a time (yes, two corsets) post partum;  you and I can at least stomach wearing a waist-sincher around the clock.  I’ve been rotating between Maidenform and Bellefit.  Currently at 5 weeks post partum, I’m  very happy with my results.

2.  Eat your placenta.  Crazy sounding I know.  I was on the fence with it the first time around.  This time, I jumped in feet first and hired a Doula to make my magic placenta pills happen.  New to the placenta eating game, read this to get a run down.

1.  Perfection is unattainable…for now.  Used to your routine?  We all are and trust that you’ll get all your ducks sorted out…eventually.  For now, be cool with the fact that you’re taking a few weeks to bond with baby and wear yoga pants 24/7 ;).

Oh, and enjoy being part of the mama club :).

Sincerely, Kymberly

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